Our Vision
We envision a learning environment where the best available technology is used as a tool and applied in the most efficient and effective way to improve learning and the learning environment. Technology should not be a goal but a means to a goal. This includes all aspects of district procedures. We believe that technology should be used as a powerful tool to help us complete our mission.
Our vision shows a district where students, parents, faculty, staff, adult learners, and other community members have easy and equal access to the technology they need, including, but not limited to video, voice and data networks, and the equipment to make use of those networks. We see a future with classrooms where students have access to global resources through network connections that also allow them to communicate with teachers and students world-wide as easily as within the classroom.
Our Mission
Because technology is just a tool, and we should not have technology for technology’s sake, our mission should be similar to our district mission: Capitan Municipal Schools values each child, pledges a commitment to ensure a safe, nurturing environment, and prepares life-long learners as contributing members of a global society as well as a local society.
Our technology mission then, is to perform the best implementation of technology to meet the district mission and our beliefs. We will accomplish this with a continuing cycle of needs assessment, implementation, evaluation, and fine-tuning of this technology plan. The plan must relate to district curriculum, New Mexico standards, and the national requirements of No Child Left Behind.
Internet Safety
We care about the safety of our children while they are on-line. We know there is a World Wide Web out there full of wonderful opportunities to learn; however, there are also some bad things than can catch us if we are not diligently aware. We have provided some guidelines on this Helpful Links page to help you and your child stay safe and secure while navigating the web.