Frequently Asked Questions

We realize that you will have questions from time to time regarding our procedures and processes; therefore, we’ve compiled the answers to the most commonly asked questions to help you find answers fast. If we still haven’t addressed your question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What is the cell phone policy?

We prohibit cell phone use between the hours of 7:55 a.m. and 4:05 p.m.

What is the dress code for Capitan Municipal Schools?

We expect our students to dress neatly, cleanly, and modestly. We prohibit clothing, hair styles, and accessories that disrupt the learning environment. Please review the student manuals located under the Quick Links on the Home page for a full list of exclusions.

  • We do not allow bare-midriff, halter, spandex, tank, or see-through tops.
  • We require that shorts, skirts, and dresses reach at least mid-thigh.
  • We do not permit spandex shorts, skirts, or dresses.
  • Pants cannot sag (sized too large, worn low on the hips), and pant legs cannot drag on the floor.
  • We do not allow excessive holes or tears in clothing that reveal skin or “underwear” above mid-thigh.
  • We do not permit sexually explicit or implied obscenity on clothing or jewelry.
  • We will remove students with hair coloring, hair styling, tattooing, or piercing deemed disruptive to the educational environment.
Do I need to check my child out to leave the school?

Yes. All students must check out before leaving, or we will count them as truant. We prefer parents check out their students in person, but the principal can approve checkouts over the phone in emergencies.

How often do you issue progress reports and report cards?

You can expect to see progress reports midway (4½ weeks) between each nine week grading period. We distribute report cards within one week after each grading period.

What documents do you require in order to enroll my child(ren) in Capitan Municipal Schools District?

We require students transferring into the district to provide the following documentation:

  • Original birth certificate
  • Immunization record
  • Last report card
  • Attendance record
  • Transcript (high school students)
Our family circumstances have changed. Can we apply for the free/reduced price lunch program after the first of the school year?

If you believe your child qualifies for free or reduced lunches, you may apply at any time of the year to receive this benefit. Please refer to the FAQs and the application form provided on the Cafeteria page.

What if my child requires medication or needs to see a nurse?

Our school nurse is located at the elementary school. Middle and high school students must have a pass to visit the nurse. We will administer medication with parental and physician approval. Please contact the nurse’s office at 575-354-8500 to obtain a permission form.

How do I know if my child is really too sick to go to school?

We know that sometimes it can be difficult to decide when to keep a sick child at home, especially when it means missing work. When a child is sick, it is important to keep him/her home to get well and to prevent the spread of the illness to others. For guidance, consult your doctor, or peruse the Internet for reliable resources such as WebMD. You may also view these excellent resources: Following an Infection and the Interim Flu Decision Chart. If you have questions, please contact the nurse’s office at 575-354-8500.